
lauantai 15. kesäkuuta 2024

Through a grindr called ChatGPT, a rewrite

 Station's Staff of Destiny: Nonbelievers Need Not Apply

I had a conversation with my best friend about rainbows, trees, and the plight of climate crisis refugees. 

We talked about life and death, sexuality and gender, and the right to express oneself while being accepted by society. It's not about being crazy but about needing therapy and seeking gender affirmation without conforming to traditional roles.

Her perspective is often negative, especially regarding politics, money, men, and the cultural stability of Finland. She also has strong opinions on animal welfare, including the ethics of eating meat and using fur.

I’m outgoing and happy-go-lucky, though I tend to annoy the quietest and grumpiest people. I struggle with recognizing faces and remembering names. While I enjoy the Pride crowd, I often wonder if society should change for the minority. In our attention economy, we are treated like products, much like caged animals, far removed from the truth. The saying goes, "Walk a mile in her shoes and you'll be a mile away and have her shoes!"

Kajsa’s writings reflect the thoughts of a great thinker. She is tired and mature, often feeling like she’s relentlessly banging her head against a wall. It’s a wall that shows her how self-absorbed she has been and how much she has been judged by others. She has learned to step aside and observe others expressing their values, striving to look a certain way or achieve the pinnacle of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Life is about the cycle of eating, sleeping, walking, thinking, talking, leading, and repeating. Leave no stone unturned. Even if one's heart has become hardened, it’s essential to remember that the greatest value is love, alongside goodness, peace, and equality.

Marginal errors may occur, but the train hasn’t left the station yet, so don’t worry. Keep your suitcase ready!

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Kiitos että ajattelit kirjoitustani ja ajattelit jättää kommenttia, mutta pidäthän tyylisi positiivisena. Kirjoitat asiallisesti ja kiinnittäisit, huomiota oikeinkirjoitukseen, kiitos!