
sunnuntai 24. maaliskuuta 2024

Love a good swim, don't you? (if you can't swim don't comment)

Haven't been this happy in a while. Running in a swimming pool lane with a buoy belt. Four times across, so 50 meters multiplies to two hundred meters. The belt maximum length is like excactly my waist length 120 cm. It is a good amount, to be swimming, because my back was hurting a bit and I was in an out of there in half an hour. I feel good now and I had a pint glass of pepsi float, with old-fashioned vanilla ice cream that's the best creamiest ever.

When I came home, I sprayed stain remover on my Dun3 Adidas white trainers. Dust on the asphalt and everything is so gray on the sides of the road. I don't think they'll be white again as they were. I cleaned my old trainers as a teen with a toothbrush after running in mud with Mouse, an English bulldog that panted and panted in RSPCA where I went to do dog walking and Mouse jumped in my lap after on the bench. Mouse probably dead now since it was in 2006 but anyway, good memories. Grass and mud.

 There were kids a lot and some young girls that were shocked and jealous as I wobbled past naked in the showers. I didn't actually see anything without my glasses though. Maybe they saw some red marks on my breasts. As if I had fallen down and my boobs had caught me? It was just some, made in china breast tape; that I took off and it burnt my skin. It's not healed yet.

A lot of me to see, really. I don't care. My hair is purple and smells nice now and the water was a bit cold but nothing I wasn't used to... if I fell asleep on the couch and dropped my blanket. Cold doesn't bother me because I sleep with legs outside the blanket anyways. But I mean, it was nice to go to a sauna too for a bit. I wore my towel, but others had done too so I just slipped in for a moment for restorative warmth after a bit of exercise.

 Writing about my swim is a bit diminishing of the joy I felt. It's Sunday and other people probably were at the event for cosplayers and comics enthusiasts, that is free and this weekend. There is a comiccon in Tampere in May too. The only ticket I've bought is for standup again this summer. The night of more blabbering. (by Ismo in July) I almost thought about not going when I saw him on tv last night. He's such a weirdough.

Anywaaysysya Sunday yay funday anyways(:

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