

torstai 5. syyskuuta 2024

Don't ask what I've been doing I don't know where to start

  1. I went to see Alien: Romulus
  2. Been writing daily on my kitujainen.com blog
  3. Sleeping a lot eating less, lost 3 kgs end of summer
  4. watching television (especially Married At First Sight Australia)
  5. sitting on my balcony drinking tea or staring at my phone
  6. talking to acquaintances online
  7. taking photos and posting them on instagram
  8. met my little sister for the first time since she was a baby, from mum’s side
  9. gone for a quick swim
  10. Listening to audiobooks a lot
  11. chores
  12. online shopping
  13. baking, planning what to eat, controlling my diabeetus
  14. My nearby grocery shop was closed for 5 weeks in June
  15. stand up show once in a summer
  16. Lots of Snapchat filters
  17. Finding Tik Tok templates, news, trends
  18. Listening to Spotify a lot
  19. Buying a CD player and then buy cd’s
  20. Unpacking new laser printer
  21. fantasizing on getting another same bed so it would be a queen size
  22. sweating a lot and not drinking enough water
  23. Keep quitting cigarettes and similar products too
  24. Donating blood
  25. Meeting bookcrossing peoples
  26. Got a new laundry machine from landlords to the flat as it broke after 12 years
  27. exercising on stationary bike more than five minutes at a time
  28. writing letters to my witchy friends
  29. Midsummer by the lake with family
  30. finding out more about BDSM and kinksters or fetishes
  31. avoiding dating sites and getting ghosted after I met someone once
  32. playing casual iPhone games a lot
  33. Was walking on a Pride parade first time
  34. gave away my vacuum cleaner I’d been storing a year
  35. using mostly robot vacuum to mop and vacuum
  36. throw away stuff, declutter and organize
  37. bought a big plastic tub for baths
  38. put on facial masks etc skin self-care once in a while
  39. new hair color instead of a fake blonde, more golden brown
  40. removing body hair, I have a case of hirsutism on my neck for a few years
  41. trying not to be stressed so my hidradenitis suppurativa wouldn’t flare up (it’s very calm rn)
  42. charging my phones
  43. learning to use air-fryer

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