
Tuitui tuutilullaa

 Postia. Kortti Ranskasta sendsomething kautta. 9 atc korttia kun olin tehnyt swapin niistä niin se palautui jo toinen sellainen. Kutsu kave...


lauantai 30. huhtikuuta 2022


 What I love about London/the uk/England

Warm to a rainy mild weather, service economy, shops, music and culture (plays, theatre, radio), languages, history, cousine, experiences like gardens, planetariums, aquariums, sets of famous movies, scandalous newspapers, libraries and books, walking to places, driving on the left, being surrounded by sea, carpet floors, British chocolate, women's magazines, RSPCA, NHS, self-check outs, no monopoly on alcohol products, school uniforms, bad coffee replaced by strong tea, well what I usually like but, just with flair.. most things have already made their way to Finland after I was there for a year 05-2006. Pre-packaged salads, triangular sandwiches etc ready-to-go's, subway franchise, Malterers, Tesco partnership with S-group, and more.