

 Kävin luovuttamassa verta. Konsultoivat lääkäriä jopa että voinko luovuttaa koska lääkkeet. Jotenkin parempi olo kun päässyt eroon verestä....


tiistai 8. kesäkuuta 2021

It's not just some quote if there is literal misogynist and patriarchal truth to it

 Someone made fun of my English by trying to spell extra S-letters on what I said in a TikTok video. Too bad you couldn't make out what she was trying to say so I deleted the comments and blocked her/him/they/it. I don't think he knew I actually have a problem with saying s,c,z's so I guess that's a compliment? Maybe?

Forever positive like a gay person with Aids since the 60's. I watched some film about a fashion designer. I watched Ewan McGregor in Star Wars, Rogue Trader, Trainspotting, Moulin Rouge, Doctor Sleep and probably many others too like Big Fish.

Anywayzchs... I think about if I should miss my English entrance exam. I didn't find the material to read for the test, but I guess there would have been again something.

Great way to make me feel like shit about my language skills when I KNOW I'm more than bilingual. I'm a fucking dictionary. I speak clearly if I want to. It's not rally English. Besides, I am not fluent. I am proficient. The difference is I want English to be spoken and written perfectly and people hate those that correct them all the time, or find the mistakes in a book at a first glance or are not relaxed about the rules of it. Exceptions make rules and people don't take themselves seriously enough.


Vazza Curallè viinimainos. Jostain syystä otin VPN:än ja nyt katson Netflixiä Amerikoista. Toisaalta ei viitsisi lähteä minnekään kun ukkostaa ja ulkona hyttyset syö.