
tiistai 8. lokakuuta 2024

Keskittymiskyvyn maksimaalisilla rajoilla eli tunnin pätkä ajoissa aina huonoin tapana toisaalta varmaan et niinku se...

mikä päivä hups unohtui caps lock hahhah

Käväisin ärsykkeen munchauksessa ja siellä oli populaa. Taas vaihteeksi matalaa profiilia pidin samalla kun paljastin ehkä kaikki synkät salaisuuteni sekä ...ei siis ollut mikään kilpailu kellä on kinkyimmät kokemukset aseksuaalina! Ihan tyytyväinen tulemiseeni sinne. Jos epäilin etten ole aseksuaali kinky niin ehkä vähän sekin jännitys laukesi ja ja voisi siirtyä lauleskelemaan sateessa sontsan alla

på engelska. My mother is my problem. Dear Freud, why does life suck and I was given so much to handle. But yeah maybe habibi I'm... a complete human being with a lot of self-knowledge and that's all fine in the universe

Kinda regret not saying scientific things. About why some are asexual or a stupid question for men about shame, nutting and not getting sleepy after sex or some hormonal things. Woulda answered were I male. Orgasm for men only happens if you're in love and if you aren't it just isn't the same good feeling

And asexuals don't exist because trauma but we coexist with all these labels and umbrella terms and too much lack of the thing that makes heteronormative penetrative uninteresting fluids exchange another hobby and pasttime without another person feeling not that connected to us during the nasty stuff...

my asexuality is extreme or was in ways that virginity was lost so late and just want to get an "out" from situations faking the peak of like pleasure that's been achieved? usually for me alone is a must. started young. too much at once also stimulation maybe and shame, fears and yes yes whatever consent. I don't see other peoples like attraction to each other. Am blind to it. So there was this human of my own sex there I discussed a bit about wealth and witchcraft but like weather and she gave me goosebumps coz she said it's the first thing she notices when entering a room that which I don't understand at all my gays and queers. your stupid problems about the will to reproduce ain't my preferences don't care. Maybe others pick up on flirting and the vibes but me no. Television, movies, stories. Same kinda. Thats my extreme stupid pan-demi-A afk really easy to forget these stuffs .

I was there anyways total 6 hours tonight. Barely drank a latte, a cup of tea with two sugars and few grams of someones chips ooh and a lot of someone else's pepsi max big bottle of the addictive stuffs but I mean my diabetus and couldn't feel my feet walking home and shower and real food today for the first time

ALL THIS ON 1 hr sleep

so excusez-moiZ when I'm irate bohoo

fidgety fudge. totally distanced myself from all the messages I've gotten from a certain personals ads that apparently got some guys pants bulging :(((

I am the queen, you're the bee. mwah

Ja bäkkii suomeksi niin niskat on nakkelis. nukkua pitäisi jo. haistappa ite omat hajusi niin muut metrin säteellä toisaalta kans... eikäku en enää mitään scientifikaatiota enää nyt jätä sanomatta tahallansakaan. baikut baiccu byeeee tarvii laittaa älykello vessasta latauksee. Eilen pesin pyykkiä ja imuroittin ja pyyhin pölyi ja kukilla on vettä ja kiukku eikun kaikki on niin tasan harmoniassa ja tervemenoa olipas mukava olonne taas. ei siinä. manipuloin varmaan ja huijasin ja valehtelin kun ette usko mitään mutta vaan nokkelampaa kuin kajsalainen ehkä etsiä saanee

x0x0x0x0 sus

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