
sunnuntai 29. syyskuuta 2024

I guess age is starting to go backwards from now

 Somewhat normal birthday party at a restaurant with family. Afterwards I went to get a frozen cake from the store. It's still thawing. I got a card with cash too and a tote bag of beverages. I already got out of my new dress and belt and stockings. Watching some tv from my phone.
Started Palia game the other day on switch. Last night I was online shopping for printables on etsy, trackers and bujo pages. I didn't get anything. Paid my monthly fee for Google though (for extra space for all my pics).
Next weekend I could go to the cinema to watch a courtroom musical. If I had someone to go with, there would be the amusement park's spooky carnival to see I haven't gone before.
Next weekend this guy comes from Marocco whose trying to tag himself as my "Daddy" on fetlife. I don't want another dom called that per se. Besides he's younger than me. I don't know how to say it to him. We'd had a one minute video call. I haven't done videocalls before with anyone. He's a fat admirer and... I hate that fetish as the one being fetishized. Just look at Feed (2005) movie. It's funny and tragic and gross.
Maybe I lost a bit of weight for nothing. I should've been 112 by my birthday but I'm 113,7 kilograms. The new dress fit a bit better on me and my jacket seemed bigger. Might be just imagining.

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